Welcome to Ancient’s Gate
This site is devoted to celebrating the show Stargate SG1. While the friendship between the two leads has been allowed to decline somewhat over the seasons, it is still something that remains dear to my heart and probably always will. Through the majority of ten seasons, the deep, abiding friendship of Jack O’Neill and Daniel Jackson will always be the foundation stone of what made the show a cut above for me.
A note from James & Michael, owner of the website:
The outpouring of good thoughts and hope for Ancient’s Gate has been most touching. I’ve appreciated it more than I can say. I’ve been asked to put a link back on the site for donations. If anyone is inclined to help out the effort to keep this site going, here is a way to do it. Any help is greatly appreciated.

$5.00 Donation to aid the Ancient’s Gate website – Just increase the unit amount if you wish to donate more. Thank you so much.
We now have a LiveJournal for the site, visit us here as well as a Facebook group to stay updated on news, events, zines, and more. Feel free to comment any time. 😉